Clo se li
Jan 2021 - May 2021
Project Context
User experience class
Tools Used
User experience design: Wireframes, Hi-fi prototype
Research: 1-1 User interviews, Affinity mapping, Competitive analysis, Feature inventory
Due to the pandemic, working from home (WFH) has become a norm for most of the office workers and students. The remote working style significantly impacted our lifestyles, social relationships and productivity in many different ways. Some people consider it a positive change given that it offers benefits like less commuting, more time with family and flexible scheduling, while the others feel overwhelmed by extended working hours, reduced social interaction, worsened health and lower productivity. For this project, I want to understand office workers' and students' overall WFH experience and see how I can improve it.
My solution to this problem is an app called Closeli that encourages neighbors and friends within the same community to socialize together with safety measures. The app provides opportunities for people who long for in-person social activities to effortlessly connect with others and take breaks from work.

How can we improve people's work from home experience?
Generative Research
WFH Experience
This research study is to understand people's WFH experience and how we can improve it.
Understand people's work from home schedule, experience, work life balance and health status compared to working in the office / on campus, and discover potential issues caused by working from home.
Sample Interview Questions
Please describe a normal workday and weekend working from home. (Ask the following questions according to interviewees' response to the first question.)
How does working from home change your social life positively and negatively?
How does working from home impact your health positively and negatively?
How does working from home change your work positively and negatively?
What would be an ideal schedule for you?
What goals do you have?
What do you do to achieve your goals?
This will be an 1:1 interview consisting of 8 participants. The participants should be selected from a diverse background in order to get a comprehensive understanding. Each participant session will last 30 minutes. Interviews will occur over Zoom. The interviews will be recorded if the participants consent.
Participant Screening
Age range: 15 - 65.
Currently or formerly working/studying from home.
Current or former student or worker.
Interview Outcome
Interview Reflection
I conducted 1-1 interviews with 8 people in 3 weeks. At the beginning, I interviewed with close friends and took notes using my computer. I realized that the information I gained from close friends had a lot of bias. For example, some of my close friends focused on impacts that are solely negative or positive and easily made the assumption that I already knew most of the context when they answered my questions. So I intentionally interviewed people I wasn't close with later. Additionally, in later interviews, I wrote down some key points in my notebook instead of typing the entire conversation later because I realized that taking notes on my computer made the conversation choppy and unnatural.
* Interview notes were processed to protect privacy of participants. There are around 30 pages of interview notes. I only display a selection of them here.
Affinity Maps Analysis

From the affinity maps, we can summarize 4 key points: need a better schedule; need reasons to do things; miss outdoor and exercise; miss in-person social interaction. Seeing these needs, I wondered how a design solution could address them. So I changed my How Might We statemnt to..
How can we improve people's in-person social experiences when working from home?
Understanding that many of my interviewees have schedules that are tiring and unhealthy, I thought taking short breaks would be helpful for their health and productivity. In order to give them a reason to take breaks, I thought in-person social interaction would be encouraging and fun. While socializing with others, why not step outside and do some exercise?
Generative Research
Social Experience
In order to understand how to improve in-person social experiences, I followed up with some interviewees and asked about their social preference. Here is a summary of the findings from these conversations:
Safety Concern.
Interviewees mentioned that some of their neighbors don't wear masks. Safety concern like this can discourage them from building relationships with new people.
Competitive Analysis
In order to offer a smooth user experience, I analyzed social networking apps like Bumble, Hinge and Nextdoor and share ride apps like Uber and Lyft. Using this analysis, I adopted some of the features and designs offered by these platforms. Here is a brief summary of the features I adopted:
House rules.
Set up rules users must follow to participate in the community.
Customized profiles.
Give users flexibility to set up profiles and use this information to find friends with similar interests.
Safety features.
Offer tools such as emergency contacts and a reporting system to ensure users' safety.
Geolocation features
Provide location and time estimate service to boost the meetup experience.
Initial Design
Design Ideation
After understanding users' needs and necessary features to include, I came up with my first iteration of the design. For this iteration, I tried to make the user flow as linear and straightforward as possible to offer clear guidance for potential users, especially users who aren't tech-savvy. Under this approach, I also offered flexibility for users to hide private information, opt out of data syncing and skip questions because I believe that users should have the choices to protect their data privacy and remain silent for information that they don't feel comfortable with sharing.
1st Time User Flow
Setup profile

Preference settings

Generate schedule

Review schedule

I tested the wireframe with a classmate and my instructor Here is a brief summary of their feedback:
Feels safe and welcomed because of the house rules and well-considered instructions.
Clean and beautiful user interface.
The reminder to follow CDC guidelines is helpful.
Ask for location permission after showing users more what the app is about because users may feel more comrfotable to share their location in this way.
Profile set-up is too long.
A messaging system where users can communicate with others before meeting up would be helpful.
It may not be comfortable to share exact location
Final Design
Design Ideation
After hearing testers' feedback and doing more research, I proposed some changes to the branding, user flow, interface styles, and instructions to make the product more accessible, user-friendly and inclusive. Here are the changes I proposed:
Changed the brand name from "Neighborly" to "Closeli" because the trademark "Neighborly" has been taken by other products on the app store.
Reorganize the profile set-up and preference set-up screens to make this process more efficient and less overwhelming.
Moved the location request screen after preference set-up screens to give users more context of the product.
Changed interface colors to make it more gender-neutral, inclusive, and accessible.
Reworded some of the instructions to make them less lengthy and more perceivable for users.
Final Prototypes
Interactive prototype: Closeli Figma Prototype link